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5 Ways to Future-Proof Your Streaming Role with AI on the Rise


最近我开始使用 马可波罗, a new asynchronous video chat app that a friend suggested, 在我们的一次来回对话中, we talked about how far software development tools have come since we started using them more than two decades ago. 更重要的是, my friend was telling me how impressed he was with how AI-assisted tools were doing crazy and helpful tasks with his software development. While the focus of this column isn’t specifically about AI, 我鼓励您研究人工智能辅助的工作流程, particularly those that could affect any aspect of streaming media. 你可以阅读更多关于软件的人工智能工具 recent article by Janakiram MSV, Senior Contributor at Forbes.com.

This leads me to my focus as we usher in a new year: keeping your skills relevant and useful regardless of developments in AI, 机器学习(ML), or more advanced automation in any process related to your role in streaming media. Whether you are a seasoned veteran or just starting out with your career, I recommend setting one or more of these five goals for the coming year: Specialize: Establish yourself as an expert in specific areas of the streaming media industry. 你不需要只选一个, but try to keep your focus on particular strengths you may have that aren’t easily found in the market. 例如, you might want to cultivate an expertise in video compression, 特别强调开源工作流.

  • 概括: While this might seem contradictory to the previous point, stay current with the ecosystem in which your specialties lie. Having an awareness and understanding of the entire spectrum enables you to provide expertise across a wide range of contexts. 继续前面的例子, you should keep up to date with all aspects of video compression, from live streaming to VOD to encryption methods and player APIs. The bold will continue to expand their awareness of other orbiting ecosystems in streaming media, 包括像FAST这样的盈利模式, SVOD, 和TVOD.
  • 多元化: Apply your specialities across different roles or services offered by your company. Don’t let a title define what you can do to provide a better outcome for your clients. 如果你的职位(或合同)允许的话, 让自己有空——如果有必要的话, introduce yourself–to different departments within your organization (or to departments within your client’s organization). 例如, while you may ostensibly provide guidance for VOD encoding of archival content, you are actively involved with applying similar optimizations to live streaming. Depending on your generalization set, you can approach the R&D department with insights you’ve gained from your experience.
  • 文档: 生活很忙,工作很忙. 空闲时间不多,我懂的. The savvy and collected will somehow manage to schedule time to put pen to paper (or keypresses to notes) and document the work you do. 毫无疑问,你做事的方式很特别, and no one will necessarily know what you’ve done after you’ve moved on to something else. 下面是正在进行的示例, if you have a specific approach to encoding bitrate-constained x264 CRF, 然后写下来, 并与组织内的同事分享. Explain how something deeply technical can have an impact on storage and deployment costs.
  • 贡献: While this may sound a lot like the previous point, contributions are much more than documentation. 贡献影响整个社区, 在贸易展览和活动中, within online communities that share knowledge with each other. This is where taking yields to giving, and you’re not in revenue-generation mode. You’re in generational excellence mode, helping other colleagues learn from your experience. An important aspect of contribution is acknowledgement, identifying those peers who influenced and guided your own journey.

I hope you feel encouraged to expand your talents as we head into 2023. While I believe this will be a turbulent year for the economy in general and tech in particular, 我们会比以前更强大. In summary, do what AI can’t do (well, not just yet): embrace your humanity and individualism.

现在就订阅 最新一期 过去的问题


超宇宙会有腿吗? Will the headsets currently in use suffer a fate similar to the PocketPC precursors to the smartphones we know and love today? Only time—and a lot more investment in tech by a wider range of companies and individuals—will tell.


不要只看炒作和猴子. 非功能性测试, 区块链, and other elements of the new decentralized web—Web3—have serious implications for video creators and publishers.


Where and how does "real time" fit into your workflows in this "COVID and beyond" era? Similar to global wars accelerating advan­ces in medicine such as plastic surgery, COVID has pushed all of us working in streaming media to rethink, 创新, 优化, and rebuild many components of our day-to-day responsibilities.