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For 在线直播 生产商s, Tables of Gear Are Still a Good Idea


我在12月的时候写过,这是多么新鲜啊 一体化流媒体工具 就像 麦哲威迷你导演 可以让你做这一切,但你应该吗? 在那一栏, 我关注的是将任务分配给不同的人, which enables a producer to let “someone else” solve a problem with the PowerPoint deck, 或者修改下三分之一图形的拼写. I still believe this is necessary and even preferable on some live productions, even with the growing availability of tools that make it possible for a single operator to accomplish most essential production tasks on a single device.

同时, I think about having been hired to help produce a company’s January marketing summit. They didn’t want to rent my “control room” hardware because they were going to “keep it simple.“但, 最后, the “simple” approach ended up involving 14 laptops and three video mixers, 铺在2张以上的长桌上. 我们从1开始, 然后扩展到两个, filled that up and then overflowed onto a small additional table.

Using my setup would have enabled us to switch the 记录 and 图像放大 使用一个 StreamDeck on one computer, reducing the number of production tools significantly. While at the time I would have liked to reduce the number of pieces we used, there are also times when I have to admit—a table full of gear can actually be the best idea.

在一个论坛上有人写了关于加载 Speedify (3rd party software-based bonding) onto a consumer router using OpenWRT (a Linux operating system targeting embedded devices) They wanted the router to connect to multiple internet connections, 跨这些连接绑定数据, 同时还充当无线接入点的传递 抗利尿 摄像头和切换器之间的数据.

My first concern was that passing a lot of 抗利尿 data can already be a pretty heavy ask. It’s better to allocated it to a dedicated switch—maybe one even specially made for 抗利尿—and not use a consumer wireless router. But then most routers are not designed to be multi-WAN bonding systems. That’s going to increase the CPU load of the lightweight embedded hardware. 但接线员态度坚决. They wanted to reduce the number of pieces they needed to bring so they could be as light and mobile as possible.

我回想起两个例子,一个是我在用 切换器工作室 在偏远地区举办户外婚礼. 我用的是Netgear M1蜂窝热点/Wi-Fi路由器. However, I took the ethernet out and connected it to a separate router WAP. This saved my bacon because the outdoor heat in the Texas summer made the Netgear overheat and shut down. 而是因为我有一个单独的WAP, all my cameras remained connected and my 记录 capability was unbroken. If I had relied entirely on the Netgear for my Wi-Fi glue between devices, 当它关闭时,我将失去一切. 分开的碎片救了我.

Another time, a studio I worked at contracted for a TriCaster for a setup in another city. 我们向A/V公司询问了备份录音的问题, they said they record two different feeds in the TriCaster with no separate, 备份外部程序记录. 老板认为这已经足够好了. The event went well, and when the local A/V handed over the files, they weren’t immediately reviewed. 几天后,视频文件无法播放.

首席执行官联系了影音公司, and they revealed that they had been using a rented TriCaster, 因为那天他们的房间被其他地方占用了. The rental TriCaster was returned to the rental company the following Monday and the rental company cleared the media off as standard rental return procedure. We ended up having to use the Zoom 记录 as our recorded master, meaning way lower quality than the TriCaster would have delivered.

晚些时候, 当时我为工作室制作了一个便携式制作工具包, I put a Blackmagic Design HyperDeck Studio in the rack space above the computer that did the switching for a dedicated, 外部程序记录. 我还写了 1 m / e 在机架上作为计算机的备份.

为了让一切变得更小, 更多的集成, 而且一个人操作更方便, 我们还需要记住装满装备的桌子的价值, 尤其是当事情出错的时候. That vMix internal program 记录—even if it’s been 100% perfect every time—still needs a backup. Having a device for bonding and multi-WAN aggregation separate from the switch that is handing multiple 抗利尿 signals in and out is a very good plan. Having that additional laptop available and ready to run 抗利尿 tools or adjust ATEM mixer settings, 或者甚至只是为了修正一个拼写错误的图表, 可以挽救这场秀. 

当一体化工具成长和成熟, let’s make sure we keep backup solutions in mind to ensure a successful production—even if it still means a table full of gear.


现在就订阅 最新一期 过去的问题


随着新技术的加速发展, it begs the question: Do we wait a bit to see what new gear can offer, 还是用现有的, 即使它看起来有点老


今天, we are seeing a similar conglomeration of features and abilities in today's production hardware, 让一个人“包揽一切”!这就引出了一个问题:你应该做所有的事情吗?


麦哲威尔的新导演迷你是一个迷你奇迹. 这个5.5英寸的“一体化”生产工具,1美元,299 street price can mix multiple inputs and do picture-in-picture graphics, 音频混合, 记录, 流媒体, 和更多的, 正如IEBA的Anthony burrokas在这篇深度评论中解释的那样.

With Social Video Sizing, Serve Your Viewers What They’re Hungry For

The customer wanting to watch your stream on Insta does not want a horizontal video shoehorned into a vertical frame. The customer 看 the horizontal version doesn't want the vertical slice with the same thing blurred out behind it to fill the frame. Each of those customers is hungry for that particular experience. It's your job to give your customers what they are hungry for.


I had the opportunity to try and learn to surf earlier this year. I'm very glad that I took the lessons because I soon found out how hard surfing really is. 在, 失败, 受伤, 看, 和学习, I saw some parallels between my lessons on the water and the 流媒体 business—which isn't quite as easy as it looks either.
